Maxing out on Clip ‘n Climb merchandise

Clip ‘n Climb operators have reported back on the positives that come from giving customers the opportunity to purchase merchandise.
There’s much to be said for providing a wide and varied choice of goods for visitors to consider. Benefits include healthy profits, better customer engagement, raised brand awareness, free advertising and endorsement opportunities…

Boosting profits

Operators who offer merchandise automatically improve their prospects to add to their offering and increase takings. Depending on the range of goods you sell, and the individual items in that selection, profits can really soar.
Clip ‘n Climb owners cite the most popular items, currently on sale, as water bottles, pens and keyrings, along with higher value items, including sweatshirts and hoodies. There’s potential to make a significant return on investment, depending on the sourcing of printing costs and base items.
It pays to shop around !

Colourful merchandise Clip'n Climb

Engaging the customer

Many customers are happy to pick up a branded item to remind them of a fun trip out. For others, it’s down to pester power from younger members in the group. Make sure you place your merchandise strategically !
Whatever the reason for the purchase, branded merchandise encourages customer loyalty and commitment, reminding customers that they have a good connection with Clip ‘n Climb.

Cost-effective marketing

Customers are effectively advertising Clip ‘n Climb and endorsing the brand, when they go out wearing clothing with our logo. Likewise, when they carry bags and water bottles with Clip ‘n Climb emblazoned on the side the same applies.
This level of exposure ranks much higher than an advert in a magazine or newspaper, with limited shelf lives, or on television, which offers a fleeting impression. Your customers will wear, use and carry again and again the products you designed. Supplying these goods will left an increasing amount of impressions on your target audience !
In short, you have the chance to make more money and get a free stream of advertising and marketing for the brand when you provide a good selection of merchandising.

Contact us if you are interested in investing in Clip ‘n Climb to discuss further your project!

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