Gamification – and why it’s so important

The application of video game playing activity to sport and leisure is on the increase, with many activity centres incorporating gaming elements into their activities to create a more engaging and compelling experience.

So what exactly is gamification and what impact is it having in our market?

Clip'n Climb ABEO Entre-Prises Sportainment Leisure Fun Climbing Gamification‘Gamification’ is a general term for the application of elements of video game playing to physical activities and mental activities, such as learning and education. In leisure, new technologies, such as VR, have been influencing our enjoyment of traditional activities for some time.

Joining the elements of video game playing with physical activity has an instant appeal; it is incredibly inclusive and can open up certain activities to a wider audience, heightening the reality of the live-action and ensuring that a greater number of people can get involved. No surprise then that more and more leisure providers are looking at gamification as a way to elevate their offering and ensure greater footfall.

At Clip ‘n Climb, gamification, with its aspects of shared focus and unity, fits with our fundamental belief that everyone can.

Enticing the Millennials and Gen Zers

The millennial generation and generation Z are technology generations. Generation Z is the first generation to have been brought up to know nothing else but the smartphone and so it has an expectation that most activities will incorporate some sort of gamification.

Moving it along

blankThere are many regular sports and leisure activities which have successfully been gamified. One example is Valo Motion’s interactive trampoline game platform, ValoJump, and its original augmented gaming wall, ValoClimb, both distributed by Clip ‘n Climb and great additions to any of our centres.

Also, our sister company, Janssen-Fritsen’s Sportainment encompasses many smart product offerings including SmartWall and the interactive jungle experience, Jungle Chase.

Clip ‘n Climb on its side is preparing for the gamification trend with a new cutting-edge application, Clip ‘n Score, a contactless technology that allows climbers to challenge themselves, gaining scores dependent on agility, courage and difficulty levels of the Challenges.

Embracing the new

So, gamification is most definitely gaining traction.

The younger generations are used to it and expect it as part of the package and the older generation are increasingly happy to be enticed by the element of inclusivity and competition and are keen to join in the fun.

To improve current practices and stay ahead, not to mention as an opportunity for increasing revenue and building brand loyalty, gamification simply has to be considered in the overall mix.

For more about Clip ‘n Climb’s research into gamification, download our whitepaper on the future of the leisure industry and ‘sportainment’

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